Friday, April 10, 2009

Visitation day

In Baby news...My Ultrasound is FINALLY tomorrow morning. I'm quite excited. I read that I should be able to hear the heart and the baby will be moving around. Jess said that Evelynn was shucking her thumb on her 9 week ultrasound....I'm excited!

Today I went down to Federal Way to visit my Sister-in-law Amy and see the babies. Well, Owen isn't quite a baby any more, but still. He said very little to me, but what he did say was quite exuberant..."Newmie!" It's Newman, one of their beagles. He is SO cute. The kid should be in magazines. Madeline, she has the BIGGEST eyes, bald as hell, and smiles for hours. Such a beautiful little girl.

I got there pretty late so I didn't stay long but it was a great time. Amy is good to talk to. Plus she's giving me all the baby stuff as they grow out of it. She gave me two tummy time play yards, a good solid stroller, a bath tub seat, some maternity clothes, the prized Bella Band, a boppy, an electric breast pump, some bottles, a couple books and a bouncer seat. She also assured me that the rest of the stuff that is in use will soon be mine when the kids are done with it. I may have forgotten something. It was a lot of much needed stuff.

I can hardly believe it. All the stuff I was worried about ever affording is coming to us from within the family. It's really amazing and a HUGE relief. Now I need to arrange it all so that I feel like some plan is unfolding, or that something is happening to set up for the future.

It's weird. This nesting thing is real. I've always been super organized, but now I feel compelled to organize a certain thing. Its the focus of my organization that is the new thing.

Then after that visit I went and hung out with Mom. We talked for a long time and had lunch then talked some more. Then I drove home. That was pretty much it. All in all a pretty nice day.